Our much-loved, best-selling Bible is now available in large print! If you love single column and larger text, this beautiful Bible is for you!
The back of this Bible features a line from one of our favorite hymns that says, “Tune my heart to sing thy grace.” Our hope and prayer for you is that God’s love will strengthen you as you study Scripture using this precious tool and that you'll be reminded of his steadfastness and the strength of his love, grace, and mercy as you read it each day.
You will love finding meaningful gifts and t-shirts that remind you of God’s love, bring you joy, and spark conversations about Jesus wherever you go. We're a family-owned business, and our greatest joy is seeing you become who God designed you to be.
By shopping with Sadie + Jane, you're not only supporting a small business. You're partnering with our mission to transform communities through the love and power of Jesus! Every purchase helps sponsor a student attending Uganda Trade School Kakoma who are studying to become skilled tailors.